Hey Little Girl

Song: "My Minds Made Up" by Adam Brand
Album: "Adam Brand"
Original Position: Feet together weight on left.
Choreographer: Thelly Ferguson/Ree Patterson, Camden, NSW (Aust), August 1998


Steps: This dance is done in four directions.
¼ Turn right, clap, ¼ turn left, clap


Turning 90 deg R - step R, step L beside R and clap


Turning 90 deg L – step L, step R beside R and clap
¼ Turn left, clap, ¼ turn right, clap


Turning 90 deg L - step L, step R beside L and clap


Turning 90 deg R – step R, step L beside R and clap
Frieze right and Scuff


Frieze R – step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, scuff L
Frieze left and scuff


Frieze L – step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, scuff R
Right to drop, clap, left toe drop, clap


Step R toe forward, drop R heel and clap


Step L toe forward, drop L heel and clap
Touch R toe to side, slap R heel behind, touch R toe to side, drop R heel


Touch R toe to R side, slap R heel behind with L hand,


Touch R toe to R side, drop R heel
Touch L toe to side, slap L heel behind, touch L toe to side, drop L heel


Touch L toe to L side, slap L heel behind with R hand,


Touch L toe to L side, drop L heel
Step lock forward, ¼ turn


Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R turning 90 deg R, step L beside R


Dance starts again in new direction.


Note: The dance ends on step lock forward ¼ turn right, but do not do the ¼ turns – just step lock forward and stomp left beside right (you will be facing the front where you commenced the dance.)


This dance sheet may be freely copied and distributed, however the step discription must not be altered in any way unless permission has been given by the Choreographers.

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